

Our mind is not an isolated entity. It thrives within our bodies, and is deeply influenced by what it senses around us.

Picture yourself at your grandmother's house. The comfort of familiar knitted blankets, the warmth of fresh apple pie wafting in the air, and the recognizable creaking of old wooden floors. These familiar elements awake memories, steering your thoughts along well-trodden paths.There is ease in familiarity. Our minds are rich with assumptions, and these often guide our thoughts, especially when in well-known environments like your grandma's house.

But now, imagine being at the edge of a vast, chilly lake, nestled in the heart of the mountains. The crisp air, the glinting snow, the far-off call of an eagle. Here, your thoughts have the freedom to wander, to explore, to stumble upon new ideas and solutions.

It's precisely this experience we aimed to encapsulate when we created TOP OF THE LAKE.

When confronted with real challenges, the need for fresh perspectives and innovative solutions becomes clear. Familiar surroundings can often limit our thinking, and keep us from venturing beyond the tried and true. But in spaces designed to liberate the mind and stoke creativity, even the most elusive solutions can come within reach.

Together with designers, artists, strategists and scientists, we've crafted spaces that provoke your senses, challenge your perceptions, and invite your mind to journey beyond its typical boundaries. It's designed to engage all five senses, knowing that the more we engage, the more alive our brain becomes and the richer the possibilities for new ideas.

Here, you're able to harness the full potential of your mind, reaching beyond the ordinary and the predictable. You start seeing new connections, new possibilities, and thus, new solutions take form.

At TOP OF THE LAKE, creativity becomes a natural state for everyone.