Jonas Buddrus, Founder
Jonas is curating the imperceptible. Leveraging his extensive expertise in bespoke hospitality, spatial design, and travel, he derives immense satisfaction from enhancing and enriching the human experience with new dimensions. His unique curation methodology is rooted in intuition, curiosity, and heightened awareness, both of himself and the world surrounding him. His ultimate goal is to empower individuals to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and to cultivate meaningful connections with others through the very act of experiencing. Connect with him here.
Andreas Möllmann, Partner
Andreas is a seasoned brand strategist who operates at the intersection of business, marketing, creativity, and technology. Over the past 30 years, he has worked in and established strategic planning departments at leading network agencies and digital agencies around the globe.
Natalia Hoffmann, Strategist
As a social and cognitive scientist, Natalia writes cultural analyses for international periodicals in her spare time. Prior to coming to Hamburg to refine her strategic abilities, she has worked and studied throughout Europe, bringing a wealth of cultural and methodological insights into human nature and experience design.
Christine van Meegen, Designer
Christine's upbringing included living in a greenhouse, power stations, and attending a boarding school in Hamburg. These experiences have shaped her unique perspective on space and the environment as a whole. With a background as a classically trained dancer and a master's degree in Social Design, Christine has developed a strong interest in repurposing urban spaces to inspire citizens to engage in negotiating their needs and possibilities.
Sebastian Kubersky, Artist
Sebastian specializes in concepting, painting, and installation. As an artist, he focuses on fostering new modes of cooperation between the creative industry, the art world, and art enthusiasts. Alongside his partner Christine van Meegen, Sebastian runs a Studio that offers Curated Catastrophes for homes—a blend of radical interior design, art intervention, and immersive happenings.
Stephan Heering, Art Director
Stephan is an Art Director and Graphic Design Consultant based in Berlin. He works with national and international clients in the fashion, art, and book publishing industries. His passion lies in finding creative ways to visualize change within his design discipline.